Dear Sir/Madam
i hope that you are fine and doing well.
we are very interested for your available machines such as GE frame 6 Fa.
please share your offer if your machines available for sale.
Ahmed | Click here to see contact details in the message |
please share your commercial offer.
location of plant ?
how and when we can visit the plant ?
is it possible to purchase the gas turbines with our steam portion?
Asker Alshanbayev | Click here to see contact details in the message |
Hello Paolo Marzari,
Could you please share your asking price with us and also provide your contacts so we could reach out to you to discuss further details?
Asker A.
Asker Alshanbayev | Click here to see contact details in the message |
Please provide us with your asking price.
Also, please tell us the equipment location.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Paolo Marzari | Click here to see contact details in the message |
A New Surplus GE Frame 6-FA Combined Cycle power plant, 225 MW, 50 Hz, natural gas, 0 hours, manufactured in 2011.
The powerplant was designed for local site conditions as a base load combined cycle with 225 MW nominal capacity constructed in a 1 st phase and with intention to add an additional 133 MW as a 2 nd phase expansion.
The 1 st phase natural gas-fired plant has its equipment already 95% (by value) constructed. However, it has never been commissioned due to lack of availability of natural gas. Construction stopped in 2017. All installed equipment is still 100% unused and uncommissioned . The power plant remained uncompleted to this day due to inability of the state to provide the site with natural gas.
It is proposed that the plant be sold for dismantling and re-location.
MAIN EQUIPMENT and Balance of Plant (BoP)
Main Equipment Groups (ISBL)
The main equipment of the 1 st phase construction comprises:
Balance of Plant (ISBL)
The balance of plant (BoP) consists of, but is not limited to:
More details and price will be available upon request
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